X-Ray Crystallography Facility
About the XRCF
Director |
Michael K. Takase, Ph.D. |
Beckman Institute Room 116 |
Mail Code 139-74 |
E-mail (at caltech.edu): mktakase |
Tel: (626) 395-2734 |
Faculty Advisor |
Professor Theodor Agapie |
Noyes Room 134 |
Mail Code 127-72 |
E-mail (at caltech.edu): agapie |
Tel: (626) 395-6856 |
Laboratory Information |
BI 110 - X-ray Diffraction and Mössbauer |
BI 128 - Elemental Analysis and Workstations |
Mail Code 139-74 |
Tel: (626) 395-2741 |
Facility personnel can be expected in the lab MWF during normal business hours. Assistance during other times can be arranged ahead of time or through email.