XRPD Training
Caltech users who will be running more than a few samples are encouraged to take safety and instrument training to become independent users. In order to become an independent user individuals need to do three things.
- Take the Caltech EHS X-Ray Diffraction safety course.
- Once the safety course has been successfully completed, submit a New User form.
- Contact the director to schedule an instrument training session.
If you are unsure whether instrument training is appropriate contact the director.
Instrument Training
Instrument training will typically be a 60 min introduction to the instrument where we will go over instrument safety as well as sample preparation and data collection of a provided sample. A sample will be provided for collection during the training. Individuals that would like XRCF staff to shadow them or be available for their first use of the instrument should schedule this in advance with XRCF staff.
The focus of this training is on the operation of the instrument. This training is not meant to teach students about the principles of X-ray powder diffraction or data analysis. Those unfamiliar with data analysis procedures but in need of performing such analysis are encouraged to enroll in MS 142.
The use of the instrument attachments i.e., automatic sample changer, high temperature, battery cell, etc is beyond the scope of the instrument training. Individuals interested in using these attachments should contact the director for additional instruction on the proper use of these attachments.
When the training is complete individuals will be able to login to the XRPD reservation site using their Caltech access information and reserve time on the powder diffractometer in 15 min increments.
Staff Assistance
XRCF staff can generally be expected to be available for assistance on MWF during regular business hours. If you would like to be able to ask for assistance please schedule your collection for to be during those times. XRCF staff can be made available outside of those time by scheduling in advance.
Training Videos
At the time the Rigaku SmartLab was installed a training session was held by Rigaku. The following recordings of the training are available to view.
Software and hardware basics as well as Thin Films. Recording
Thin Films. Recording
Powder Diffraction. Recording.
Video Recordings: In order to view the recordings you need to be signed into your Caltech Gsuite account using the Caltech SSO and your Caltech email. Rigaku has asked that these videos be for personal use only. Rigaku and its employees in the recordings did not give consent for the public consumption of these videos. In order to respect their confidentiality and personal rights do not download or place the videos in public spaces, i.e. your university home page, YouTube, etc.